
Posted by Tami

10:00 - 1 1/2 servings Honey Bunches of Oats w/ Almonds (195), 1 cup milk (110), 305

2:30 - 2 servings corn tortilla chips (300), 2 servings cheddar cheese (250), 1 serving cottage cheese (150), 700 (1005)

4:00 - 3 servings queso (120), 1 serving corn tortilla chips (140), 3 bites Jason's nachos (40), 300 (1305)

8:00 - rice (200), chicken (350), sauce (onion, garlic, chicken broth, pesto, toasted walnuts, feta cheese) (400), 950 (2205)

9:15 - Skinny cow cone, 150 (2355)

11:00 - 1 serving homestyle vanilla ice cream (160), 1 serving graham crackers (130), glass milk (130), 440 (2795)

I was SO hungry today.  Seriously.  I'd eat and an hour later my stomach would be growling, and it's the end of the week (we grocery shop primarily on Sundays) so there wasn't much food around.  I did really pay attention to portion sizes and measured out every serving by grams on my food scale, so even though I ate often it was healthy amounts of food though some of it was not healthy food (nachos).  Good day.  And I actually am ok with being a little over on calories since yesterday was so low- hopefully it will kind of shock my metabolism and it won't go into long term reserves mode after the horribly low day yesterday.

This entry was posted on Friday, January 16, 2009 at Friday, January 16, 2009 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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