
Posted by Tami

10:00 am - 2 servings cereal, 1 serving milk, 400

2 pm - plate of appetizers / hors d'ouerves, high estimate (I was really careful and consciously took very little food though I did load up more on the fruit & broccoli rab) 600, (1000)

3:30 - small cupcake, 250 (1250)

5:30 - Cliff bar, 160 (1410)

6:45 - serving cottage cheese, 110 (1520)

7:30 - 1 1/2 servings salmon (500), rice (200), pesto sauce (400), milk (130), 1230 (2750)

9:30 - 1/2 serving vanilla ice cream (75), skinny cow (150), 225 (2975)

Honestly, not bad for having been hungry ALL day again (so annoying!!) and going to a baby shower with lots of tasty snacks.  I am honestly in awe of how Christ has changed my heart- I didn't snack at all until food time, and then I carefully only choose one of each item that I really wanted, passing on creamy cheese logs and brie (which I LOVE!), and then I didn't snack at all after that.  Plus, I had a vanilla cupcake and the chocolate ones were screaming out my name but I simply ignored them and didn't go for it.  Oh, and at the store I could have chosen any number of unhealthy snacky foods since I had a half hour drive to get back to Seattle from the 'burbs, but I chose a high-protein Cliff bar.  Honestly, that's the power of Jesus.  I can't take credit for it because I tried to be that disciplined on my own power and failed.  It's not about behavior modification- it's about heart change, and only Jesus transforms hearts.

I know the calories are a bit over, but honestly it was a good day.

This entry was posted on Saturday, January 17, 2009 at Saturday, January 17, 2009 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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